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The One Church, One Child Challenge

To Churches


One Church, One Child asks each participating church to identify at least one family to adopt a child or sibling group.


Why do we ask this of the  Church and its Members?


The Church is a place of hope, support, comfort, and social action.   Adopting a child is a way of expressing love, a way of putting faith into action, a way of meeting the very real needs “of the least of these.”  Accepting the challenge of recruiting families to adopt or foster is a ministry completely in line with the principles of faith.


What Does the Church Do?


The Church's Role

  • Inform members of the congregation of the hundreds of children waiting to be adopted

  • Disseminate adoption literature throughout the church community

  • Provide support (through guidance, counseling, and ministries) to the family once a child or children have joined the family


The Pastor's Role

  • Endorse the Program. Agree to allow the church to become an active participant.

  • Select a Coordinator-this is a member or an auxiliary to conduct the program.

  • Encourage members to consider becoming a foster or adoptive parent and make the connection between faith and  

  • Make a commitment to keep the message of adoption before the congregation through sermons, special programs, and allowing the church to be a local  recruitment resource.


The Coordinator's Role

  • Fully implement the program

  • Maintain a photo listing of waiting children

  • Disseminate adoption literature

  • Host OCOC information sessions at the church

  • Plan and implement adoption recruitment activities

  • Offer volunteer assistance to OCOC staff

  • Refer or bring interested families to the OCOC for orientation and an application to begin process


Sign up today to become a participating church!!

Recommit your congregation to this important work!!


The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”   Matthew 25:40 (NIV)


“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.  
God sets the lonely in families.”  Psalm 68:5, 6b (NIV)

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